Tip of the Week
Bite-sized pieces
Help your child maintain, or in some cases regain control over their end-of-year papers, tests, and projects by breaking down each assignment into manageable pieces that can be accomplished in shorter bursts over multiple days.
Together with your child:
- Generate a complete list of all the assignments on the docket.
- Prioritize the assignments in an order that makes sense (due date, importance, etc.).
- Take one assignment at a time, and read the directions or rubric carefully to understand each of the steps necessary to complete the assignment.
- Break the assignment down into bite-sized steps and work backwards from the due date to create a detailed day-by-day calendar that is manageable and will help avoid the last minute rush to finish.
It’s a hectic time of year, and a little organization and planning will reduce stress and anxiety, increase your child’s confidence, and lead to a better result.