To Avoid “Blanking” During an Exam…
Create a "Knowledge List" at the beginning of an exam to aid working memory and boost confidence. As soon as...

Make This Year’s Resolutions Stick
Create goals for the second semester but call them New Year's Resolutions! The key to successfully fulfilling resolutions is to...

Change of Plans? No Problem!
During winter break something is bound to happen that will require you and your family to change your plan. Being...

Prioritize Based on a Rationale
Learning how to prioritize the order in which a student tackles his homework is a skill that supports his ability...

Flip the Script
If you have an inflexible child who’s used to doing things in a certain order and/or has a hard time...

The Power of “Yet”
Sometimes it's simply a matter of mindset in the way students view and then approach challenges. When your child feels...

Success is Only the Tip of the Iceberg
Icebergs have two parts: the part that is visible above the water which is often majestic and grand, and the...

The Benefits of Graphic Novels
Graphic novels sometimes get a bad rap. Some don’t view them as "real literature" and detractors worry that their students...

Ask Questions That Push Beyond Rote Memorization
Go a step beyond quizzing your child on rote memorization. Ask questions that challenge your child to reflect more deeply....

Regularly Check Homework Portals
Many teachers have class websites, Google Classrooms, or other online portals where they post nightly homework and long-term assignments. Make...

Getting Enough Sleep is a Game-Changer
Elementary and middle school students need 10-12 hours of sleep per night, and teenagers 8-10 hours. Without enough sleep, the...

Don’t Rely on Memory – Create a Checklist!
A luggage tag checklist attached to the zipper pull of your child’s backpack is a simple way to help your...