Be Proactive and Consistent About Organization
A clean backpack and orderly binder makes every assignment easier to find, complete, and turn in on time. However, in...

Using an Online Homework Portal More Effectively
Many schools have transitioned to online platforms to help students keep track of their daily homework and long-term assignments. For...

Getting the Most Out of Your Parent/Teacher Conference
Parent/teacher conferences are on the horizon. Here are three tips to help you make the most of your time with...

Celebrate Incremental Progress
Success takes many forms so don’t overlook the successes your child achieves along the way to his ultimate goal. When...

Online Organization Matters, Too!
Have you ever "misplaced" a file on your computer or in the cloud? It’s frustrating and stressful. In today’s world,...

It’s Like Riding a Bike. Simple.
If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t.

Excited or Nervous for Back-to-School?
As we begin the new school year, some students are excited to get back to school, while others are a...

Breaking the Cycle Requires Making a Change
Every student (and parent) heads back into the new school year with renewed optimism. Summer tends to blur the memories...

How to Make a Plan to Finish Summer Work
With the school year inching closer, it’s time to make sure your child has a plan to finish up any...

Post a Family Calendar in a Well-Trafficked Area
To help your child practice planning and time management, post a family calendar in a well-trafficked area in your home....

Get Back Into the School Mindset
It's already August and while summer is not over yet, the new school year will be here before we know...

Even Teens See Screen Time as a Growing Concern
A recent Pew Research Study revealed that 60% of teens believe that spending too much time online is a “major” problem...