Back-to-School Shopping Requires Planning!
Sales on school supplies are beginning to crop up all over town. Though it feels early, it’s an excellent opportunity...

Summer Reading Blues? No Problem!
If getting summer reading and assignments done feels like pulling teeth in your household, you are not alone. Here are...

Success Doesn’t Happen by Accident
Yesterday, the United States Women’s National Team won its fourth World Cup (and second in a row — no easy feat!). These...

You Deserve a Break Today
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."- Ferris...

Packing and Executive Function Skills
Involve your child in the planning and organizing of packing for overnight camp or a family vacation (don’t do it...

Reading Can Be Fun!
Is your child a “reluctant” reader? Let’s turn that around this summer! Summer is a great time to engage your...

A Little Effort Goes a Long Way
Question: What happens when you don’t exercise a skill set for an extended period of time?

Finish Strong
The end of the school year is in sight, but most students have a few weeks of school left with...

A Time to Remember
Memorial Day is a time to remember, to honor and show our respect for all men and women who gave...

Winter is Coming™
“Winter is coming” is the most iconic phrase from HBO’s Game of Thrones which aired its final episode last night....

Technology Isn’t Always the Answer
Today’s students are immersed in technology. It’s become a seamless part of their lives. But is technology always the best...

Self-Advocacy is an Important Life Skill
To advocate for oneself means to speak up and seek support for whatever one might need.