Re-entry after a break
It’s hard to get back into the swing of things after a long, relaxing break, so give your child a...

New Year’s Resolutions
Creating New Year’s Resolutions provides an excellent (and less-obvious-to-your-child) opportunity to map out a few goals for the second half...

Using flashcards effectively
Flashcards, digital or old school, can be a great tool for learning terms, concepts and ideas if used effectively. A...

Generate interest with a personal connection
When a student is disinterested in a particular assignment or topic of study, try making a personal connection. For example,...

Transparency can be liberating
When students struggle in school, they often feel different, discouraged, and even alone. If you are able to name and...

Memorizing vs. Understanding
There’s a big difference between memorizing and truly understanding something. When a student memorizes a term or a concept, he’s...

Use mnemonic devices to aid memory
To help assist with memory, try mnemonic devices. A mnemonic device is a phrase or rhyme that can be used...

Repeat directions in your own words
A great way to ensure your child understands what she’s being tasked to do with an assignment (especially those with...

Exercise your opportunity
Voting is, perhaps, the ultimate form of self-advocacy. It’s an opportunity to let our voices be heard and to stand...

Keep a dry-erase board handy
A dry-erase whiteboard is a great tool to help make things easier to visualize for your child. Whiteboards are great...

Do *your* best
It's natural for students to compare themselves to other students, but for most students it's best if they don't. On...

An alternative to the assignment book
The traditional assignment book is often regarded as the standard for tracking one’s assignments. But if your child is not...