Happy Summer! Summer presents a wealth of opportunities to strengthen executive functions skills outside of the classroom. We’ve put together...

Transitioning from school mode into summer mode
Transitions are difficult for many students, and this time of year triggers a shift in routine and activities. Navigating transitions...

Egg shells, Legos, and hot coals
Broaching a conversation about summer learning with your child can feel like walking on egg shells or Legos or hot...

Something a little different today
Just for fun, we want to try something a little different and ask you, our readers, to help generate today’s...

Bite-sized pieces
Help your child maintain, or in some cases regain control over their end-of-year papers, tests, and projects by breaking down...

Next on your summer planning to-do list
By now the big pieces of summer – camps, activities, vacations and long weekends – have been organized and at...

Boundaries + Expectations = Order
Parents and caregivers quickly learn with toddlers and grade schoolers that children need adults to set boundaries and limits. And...

Fire prevention is the key
At this time of year it’s easy, and sometimes critical, to fall into fire-fighting mode to ensure your child reaches...

Mantras for positive thinking
“I can. I am. I will. I do.” Christine D’Ercole Mantras are positive words or phrases that can help increase...

Flip the script: benefits over consequences
It’s often difficult to get children to finish tasks like homework or chores. Sometimes, students can’t see the benefit of...

The internet can be tamed
For many students (and adults), the internet can be an enticing, never-ending rabbit hole that’s difficult to avoid and then...

The view from the next tee
In golf, what happened on the previous hole doesn’t matter on the next tee. Whether it was a birdie (1...