Tip of the Week

November 22, 2022

Entering extra-long-weekend mode

It’s Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and it’s fair to say that many students, and many adults, are already in extra-long-weekend mode. Fair enough! Life is hectic and stressful and we all deserve a moment to slow down and relax. It’s well deserved. 

That doesn’t mean that schoolwork is to be ignored this week, however! It just means that taking some scheduled time to relax and enjoy is important, too. It’s an opportunity to practice planning and time management so there’s time for fun and for homework. 

If you’re interested in some interesting ways to practice executive function skills this week with your kids, this Tip from 2021 offers a bunch of great ideas. Our favorite on the list is baking because we get to check our work multiple times to be sure all of the cookies or brownies hit the mark!

Wishing you a wonderful week filled with family, friends and new memories. Enjoy!