Tip of the Week
From school haze to school days
While many parents focus on school supplies and schedules this time of year, it’s equally important to start preparing kids mentally for the new school year. Here are a few ideas to help your child enter the school year with confidence and less stress.
- With your child, create a detailed plan to finish up summer assignments. Use a calendar and work backwards from the first day of school and break down into manageable pieces any reading or writing that needs to get done. This will help them start the school year with a clean slate, clear mind, and with some momentum.
- For younger students who may be anxious about the unknown of a new teacher or a new school, most schools offer opportunities to visit and get the lay of the land. Putting some visuals to what’s new will give your child confidence and make the first day less stressful.
- Start to reestablish routines. Gradually shift your child’s sleep schedule closer to school start times. Talk through what their days and weeks are going to look like, and start the conversation about a homework routine. Identify and organize a workspace (or even two).
The transition from summer vacation to a new school year isn’t always easy. Beginning to work back into a school mindset before school starts will help make the transition easier.