Harnessing EF skills for a Successful Sleepaway Camp Experience
By Emma Michiels, Instructor
Getting ready for sleepaway camp often involves calming jittery nerves, packing up the minivan and doling out lots of goodby hugs. But here’s another item to add to the list before sending your son or daughter off to overnight camp: practicing executive function skills.
Executive function (EF) skills can significantly enhance your child’s sleepaway camp experience. EF skills, which include planning, organization, time management, flexibility and problem-solving, are crucial for children to navigate the camp environment successfully. Here are some strategies parents can use to foster a positive experience for their child.
Collaborate on a Packing List
Before your child ships off to camp, engage them in creating a packing list collaboratively. Involving them in this process helps them understand what they need and why, making them feel more prepared and less anxious about the unknowns of camp. Consider laminating the list and sending it to camp with your child, so they can use it to repack at the end of camp, ensuring nothing gets left behind. If your child’s camp already provides a packing list, take the opportunity to review and annotate the list with your child. Help them identify what they already have vs. what they need, and add any additional items your child may benefit from in order to be successful.
Pace the Packing
Break the packing process into manageable parts with your child. Can they organize their toiletries one day? Pack shoes another day? Etc. Help your child schedule specific tasks each day leading up to camp, mitigating last-minute stress and teaching them effective time management. This approach not only reduces anxiety but also instills a sense of accomplishment as they see progress towards a goal.
Preview the Daily Schedule
Familiarize your child with the camp’s daily schedule before they arrive onsite. Knowing the basic routine reduces anxiety and prepares them for the structure of camp life. Reviewing the schedule together helps set expectations and provides an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions your child might have. You can find examples of typical camp schedules on many camp websites or through a quick online search.
Prepare for the Unexpected
Inform your child about any known changes in the schedule, such as special field trips, color war days, or visiting days. Discuss the possibility of unexpected changes and talk through how to handle them. These kinds of conversations equip your child with the flexible mindset they need to successfully navigate changes to the plan (which will inevitably happen!). Use resources like this as needed.
Review Camp Rules
Go over the camp rules and expectations with your child before they leave. This can include guidelines about electronics usage, such as phones, iPods, and Kindles. Understanding these rules in advance helps your child avoid potential issues later on and ensures they know what is expected of them. Discussing the rationale behind these rules can also foster respect for – and adherence to- the guidelines.
Practice Problem-Solving Skills
Ensure your child knows what to do and who to talk to if they encounter difficulties. Practice problem-solving scenarios through role-playing, including asking for help, dealing with conflicts, or managing homesickness. Role-playing different situations can make your child more comfortable and prepared.
Share Insights with Counselors
Share important information about your child with the counselor team, including their motivators, struggles, and successful strategies used at home and school. Providing these insights helps counselors tailor their support to meet your child’s unique needs, ensuring a smoother adjustment and more enjoyable camp experience. Consider creating a one-page profile for your child that highlights their strengths and areas where they might need support.
By incorporating these strategies, parents can help their children harness their executive function skills, leading to a more successful and enjoyable sleepaway camp experience. These skills not only ease the transition into camp life but also equip children with valuable tools they can use throughout their lives.