Tip of the Week

August 13, 2024

“I’m talking ’bout the man in the mirror”

Hope springs eternal this time of year. Students are returning to school with new school supplies, a clean slate, and likely some excitement and nervousness for their step up to the next grade. With a fresh start, many students are hopeful that this will be the year it all clicks and comes together. However, hoping for a different outcome without making changes is unlikely to yield different results. Hope needs a partner: action. Whether it’s adjusting routines, seeking additional support, or setting new screen-time expectations, if something wasn’t working last year, help your child identify what needs to change and take action. 

“I’m going to keep better organized this term” is a good idea, but it’s not a plan. Better is: “I’m going to set aside time on Sunday nights to go through all my binders and file away loose papers where they belong and recycle papers I don’t need anymore.” 

“I’m not going to procrastinate” is a great goal, but it’s not realistic. Procrastination is managed, not fixed. Better is: “When a large assignment is given, I’m going to take a few minutes after school to review the directions and break it up into smaller, more manageable, pieces.”

“I’m going to spend less time on YouTube/Tik Tok/Reels/Snap/etc.” is brilliant, but it’s amorphous. Better is: “I’m going to ask my parents to help me set screen time limits on YouTube/Tik Tok/Reels/Snap/etc. to 90-minutes per day total. If/when my homework is complete, I can ask for more screen time.”