Tip of the Week
Keep calm and get a move on!
In early September we shared a tip to help avoid stress in the chaos of the morning rush. Given the importance of a calm start to the new day, today’s Tip takes a deeper dive into supporting the morning routine.
Many students find themselves caught in a race against time every morning. What may seem like a simple act of getting up and out the door can often feel like a Herculean task. Starting the day off in a whirlwind can negatively affect academic performance, mood, and overall sense of well-being. Here are a few strategies to help get the morning off to a strong start.
Get to bed earlier. Lack of sleep is undoubtedly at the root of many of the challenges. If you can’t get up, you’re immediately behind and the rush ensues. Set a bedtime goal and work to stay as close to it as possible. Here are some practical tips to help improve sleep patterns.
Set a gentle alarm for the morning that gradually grows louder. Abruptly jolting awake can lead to feelings of grogginess, irritability, and decreased cognitive function. A gentle wake-up allows our bodies to transition smoothly from sleep to wakefulness, reducing the likelihood of feeling disoriented or stressed.
Create a morning routine.
- Identify the must-dos for each morning and make a list. Must-dos include getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, gathering sports/music equipment, and giving a loved one a kiss on the cheek.
- Assign realistic time estimates to each task on the list and then determine the smartest wake up time to accomplish everything.
- Shift some morning tasks to the evening routine to reduce morning chaos. Packing the backpack/sports bag/music equipment and laying out clothes the night before reduces a lot of thinking and stress in the morning.
- Keep the morning routine list visible in multiple places to stay on track. Consider using phone reminders throughout the morning routine.