Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., let’s keep the conversation going and the momentum moving forward. “The function of...

But it’s not required!
Though there are countless reasons why annotating a text is helpful, most students rarely annotate when it’s not required by...

Processing information
Processing speed is the rate at which we take in and use information. Students with slow processing speed may take...

Flexibility required
Especially in the midst of this current surge of Covid, something is bound to happen this vacation week that will...

Create sticky strategies
Even with the best of intentions, turning new strategies into habits is really hard. Remember, what works for you may...

Baseball players, yardsticks, and studying for tests
There are many reasons why your child may not score as well as they hope on a test or quiz....

Rote memory vs. understanding
When it comes to understanding and synthesizing information, being able to teach it to someone else is a reliable benchmark...

“Lazy” is a lazy term
“Lazy” is a term we often use when we can’t explain why a student won’t/doesn’t/can’t do something. But it’s a...

Fun executive function ideas for Thanksgiving week
Thanksgiving week provides many opportunities to strengthen executive function skills without your child even realizing they’re learning! Baking treats is...

Parents just don’t understand
It likely comes as no surprise that your child doesn’t always say what they mean. When it comes to schoolwork,...

When they don’t understand
When your child says “I don’t understand this,” a reflexive response is to ask “What don’t you understand?” That’s a...

Small goals drive intrinsic motivation
Big goals are achieved by setting and achieving smaller goals along the way. Short, attainable goals are especially helpful for...