It’s the Behind the Scenes Prep That Makes the Difference
It’s the prep behind the scenes that makes it possible to run 26.2 miles. The training for Boston happens throughout...

As We Enter the Homestretch…
As we enter the homestretch of the school year, there are projects, papers and exams on the horizon that will...

A Mushroom Walks Into a Party…
Your children probably don’t think you’re very funny. Prove them wrong today — it’s April Fools!

Empower Your Child by Guiding Rather Than Telling
Be a partner that guides rather than tells. Offer your child choices and let him decide what he feels will...

Avoid the Long-Term Assignment Abysss
Amidst the daily blitz of nightly homework and other commitments and responsibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of longer-term assignments....

Listen for Code Words
Listen closely for the code words your child is using. Identifying the underlying meaning will help you figure out how...

Read Your Writing Backwards… And Other Editing Tips
Did you catch the mistake in the first word of last week’s Tip? Kudos if you did — we did...

Pack Your School Bag the Night Before!
The typical chaos of the morning makes it really difficult for students to focus on anything more than just getting...

Following the Right Path and Giving Your Best Effort
In honor of President’s Day: “If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll...

Process or Product?
To empower your child to become an independent learner, train her focus on the process rather than the end product....

“Waiting for Perfect Means Not Starting.”
A perfectionist considers anything less than perfect to be a failure (and failure is not an option!). Make a mistake?...

Even Teens See Screen Time as a Growing Concern
A recent Pew Research Study revealed that 60% of teens believe that spending too much time online is a “major”...