Sticky New Year’s Resolutions
Let's resolve to make our New Year's Resolutions stick! When setting goals (resolutions!) keep them as specific, attainable and time-bound...

How executive function skills can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions
According to U.S. News, 80 percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail by February. Clinical psychologist Joseph Luciani suggests that the reason...

Get a head start on the new year
It's hard to get back into the swing of things after a long, relaxing break, so give your child a...

Be flexible and “roll” with unexpected change
This holiday season something is bound to happen that will require you to change your plan. Being flexible and "rolling"...

Know teacher expectations
Know teacher expectations. It’s a terrible feeling getting a paper back from the teacher with a less-than-desirable grade and thinking...

Keeping long-term assignments in focus
Most students focus on the homework that is due the next day to the detriment of the bigger assignments due...

“Park” extraneous thoughts
Students need a way to keep track of the random thoughts that pop into their heads at random times. (Some...

Choice is empowering
Choice is empowering. When a student makes the decision about how he’s going to approach a certain task or assignment,...

Create a checklist to get unstuck
To foster more independence around homework, create a “getting unstuck checklist” with your child. Many students give up easily or...

Take time to create a homework agenda
Many schools are moving toward having teachers post nightly homework assignments online via a schoolwide app or individual classroom websites....

Take advantage of extra help
Most teachers are available during organized extra help blocks after school (and many make themselves available during the day if...

Be proactive in parent/teacher conferences
Use your parent/teacher conference as an opportunity to determine how you can best support your child at home. Find out...