Executive function tips from tech entrepreneurs
Many students look up to entrepreneurs for their success – yet students may feel like it’s impossible to emulate their...

Fear of … success?
There are many reasons why students “don’t.” Among the myriad rationales: it’s too hard, too overwhelming, or they don’t know...

Early October is a good time for a check-in
Students often enter the new school year with the best of intentions. But by October, even the best-laid plans can...

A simple test-taking tip
Planning and time management also applies to test-taking. Upon receiving an exam from the teacher, a student’s first step should...

Practice (but not too much practice!) makes perfect
The phrase ‘practice makes perfect’ may be true, but too much practice – especially when in the form of long...

The expert was once a beginner
“The expert at anything was once a beginner.” - Helen Hayes (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award winner) It has...

Three Tips to Avoid Back-to-School Stress
After a long summer, it can be difficult for students to get back into the rhythm of school, especially if...

Using 9/11 and Irma as a reflective learning opportunity
Today, the events of September 11, 2001 and the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Irma are weighing heavily on many people’s...

Lesson in self-advocacy on Labor Day
Labor Day provides an opportunity to teach your child about the importance of advocating for herself, her friends, and her...

Shifting your child’s mindset into school mode
For most students, this is the last week of summer vacation. It’s certainly important to let your child soak it...

Learning styles: Have we got it all wrong?
New research reveals that most students benefit from a combination of learning-style approaches. The more neurological pathways we engage while...

Is your child getting enough sleep?
Elementary and middle school students need 10-12 hours of sleep per night, and teenagers 8-10 hours. Without enough sleep, the...