Executive function lessons from the New England Patriots
A month later, we are all still reeling from Super Bowl LI’s unprecedented outcome. With the game-winning touchdown still fresh...

Eliminate forgetfulness!
“Don’t hold in mind what paper or a device can hold for you.” Write out the steps for solving math...

Nobody is perfect
Although perfectionists are often celebrated for their above-and-beyond efforts, educators and mental health professionals increasingly recognize perfectionistic tendencies as an...

Writing troubles? Try this.
When faced with a writing assignment, many students have a hard time getting started, coming up with ideas, and getting...

Finding the right “voice”
“Speak up.” “I’d love to hear you share.” “Everyone must participate.” These, among countless others, are words that reticent students hear...

Presidential Wisdom on President’s Day
In honor of President’s Day: “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in...

EF lessons from the Super Bowl
Sporting events can sometimes provide a perfect backdrop for teaching and learning valuable lessons - for school and for life....

An approach to boosting self-confidence
When school becomes difficult or overwhelming, it’s only natural that a student’s self-confidence begins to wane. When you see this...

Use the rubric and improve your grade
A “rubric” lists the criteria by which student work will be evaluated. Teachers provide rubrics to help guide students to...

Schedule breaks into the nightly homework agenda
Homework can feel daunting if your child believes he's got to sit and stay focused for 60, 90, or 120...

Reminder alarms for the “forgetful” student
If your child is forgetful, use technology to support his daily routine. Help him set reminder alarms on his most...

Questions unlock opportunities for learning
Encourage your child to ask lots of questions. Asking questions unlocks opportunities for learning and is a skill students should...