Comorbidity: Understand the *whole* child
The term “comorbidity” refers to the simultaneous presence of two “conditions” in a person. For students, this could mean that...
Getting “unstuck”
When your child gets stuck, the quickest and easiest way to help her get “unstuck” is to dig into the...
Let your child make mistakes
“Your best teacher is your last mistake.” Unknown As parents, teachers and tutors, one of the hardest things we have...
Reduce test-taking anxiety
Assessments can be nerve-wracking for students, especially cumulative exams like midterms or finals. The best way to reduce test-taking anxiety...
Adjust your perspective
“When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.” (Anonymous) When students feel overwhelmed, it’s often because they’re lost in the “weeds”...
Plan for the end of the school year
Between now and summer, there are many activities, athletics, and school responsibilities that will be competing for your child’s attention...
With so many exams upcoming, create an “exam calendar” for best results
Despite the feeling that the school year is finally winding down, students’ fourth quarters will bring tests, tests, and more...
Problem-solving via self-advocacy
Giving up on an assignment is rarely the best option. One of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon your...
Prioritize homework with a rationale
Urge your child to prioritize the order in which she’ll attack her homework assignments, based on a rationale. Many students...
Standards for checking one’s work
Teachers always stress the importance of checking one’s work before handing in an assignment. When reviewing work, keep these three...
An executive function approach to college tours
Recently, Engaging Minds welcomed Linda Katz of Right Fit College Coaching to our Newton office for an informative presentation
Easily distracted? Try this.
For many students, eliminating distractions and staying on task is extremely difficult, especially while on the computer. Keep in mind...