Estimate “time on task” to sharpen time management skills
To better manage homework time, have your child estimate how long he thinks each assignment will take him to complete...

Don’t skip the directions!
Reading directions has many obvious benefits, but perhaps most significantly, it forces students to slow down and approach the assignment...

Managing academic stress
It’s that time of year. The weather is colder, the days darker, the commutes longer. Fatigue sets in for both...

Engage in pre-writing thinking
Good writers rarely sit down at the computer and simply begin typing masterpieces. Rather, good writers engage in a pre-writing...

Make sleep a priority
Elementary and middle school students need 10-12 hours of sleep per night, and teenagers 8-10 hours. Without enough sleep, the...

Be a partner in the process — to your child and your child’s teachers and tutors
As a parent, you know how hard you work to stay involved in your child’s education: You lead PTO meetings,...

Celebrate small successes and watch your student grow
For years, parents and teachers have sung the praises of—you guessed it—praise. According to their methods, students learn to repeat...

Use multiple learning-style approaches
New research reveals that most students benefit from a combination of learning-style approaches. The more neurological pathways we engage while...

Why Changing Habits Takes Time
If commitment to change were enough to kick bad habits, we’d all be able to keep our New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately,...

Finding the right balance
It’s important to determine the optimal quantity of after school activities for your child. Extracurricular activities have many benefits: they...

Your brain is foiling your plans!
If you’ve ever been late to an appointment, distracted from finishing an important task, or lamented your ever-growing to-do list,...

Active study strategies
When it comes to truly understanding and synthesizing information, being able to teach it to someone else is a great...