It’s the End of the School Year as We Know It
Hard as it may be to believe, the school year is almost over… actually, it’s probably not that hard to believe! You...

Finish the year on a positive note
With the arrival of June, students are beginning to get antsy to get outside and dive into summer. However, there's...

Preventing the “Summer Slide” – Part 2 of 2
In last week’s blog, we defined the term “summer slide,” and in this week’s post we will cover how to...

Preparing for final exams
With final exams and end-of-year assessments fast approaching, there's no time like the present to begin preparing (before the pressures...

Preventing the “Summer Slide” – Part 1 of 2
When you hear the expression “summer slide,” you might have a happy mental image of a child careening down a...

Handing in assignments on time
An assignment isn't truly finished until it's handed in. With final papers and projects due soon, help your child cover...

How to talk to your child about summer tutoring
This is the time of year when many teachers may request a special parent conference or send a special email,...

Set specific, measurable goals
When you are working with your child on completing a task, set very specific, measurable goals that focus on skill...

Teacher Appreciation
May is National Teacher Appreciation Month. One of our favorite educational websites, Edutopia has devoted a number of articles to this annual event as...

Stress management techniques!
Many students experience a great deal of anxiety around test taking, be it annual standardized testing, final exams or even...

Go Outside and Play: Channeling the Power of the Great Outdoors!
From you have I been absent in the spring, When proud pied April, dressed in all his trim, Hath put...

Tools for footnotes
Remember what a hassle it was to create bibliographies or insert footnotes into research papers? Well, that is pretty much...