Catch errors by reading aloud
One of the best ways for your child to edit her papers is by reading them aloud. When she has...

Problem-Solving at its Finest
To say that last week was a difficult one for the residents of the Boston area (and the country at...

Exercise boosts brainpower!
Exercise boosts brainpower! If your child doesn’t seem to be able to focus on her work or is really struggling...

Helping Your Child Be More Mindful
In a recent blog on the Huffington Post, journalist and relatively recent meditation devotee Andy Fraser wrote about an interesting...

Enrich classroom learning while on vacation
School vacations (for many, next week!) are a great opportunity to enrich your child’s classroom learning. You don't need to...

Fostering and Assessing Creativity in the Classroom
A while ago, educational assessment guru Dr. Grant Wiggins blogged about a very interesting issue: assessing creativity. The commonly held,...

A tax-related tip
As a good math exercise, have your child prepare your taxes for you. Just kidding — April Fools! Here’s a...

Einstein: Don’t Judge a Fish by its Ability to Climb a Tree!
This inspirational quote has been getting well-deserved attention on the Internet for quite a while now. Give it a read...

For best results, build in a break!
Know when to give your child a break. Children with executive function challenges often have to apply a great deal...

The Kitchen Classroom
In the Engaging Minds Tip of the Week that we shared on Monday, we talked about how cooking and baking...

How to use everyday activities to strengthen EF skills
Use everyday activities to enhance your child’s learning and strengthen his executive function skills. Cooking and baking are wonderful, real-world...

One Perspective on Four Subtypes of Executive Function Disorder (Part 3 of 3)
After a brief introduction two weeks ago to Dr. Mel Levine’s ideas on four subtypes of executive function issues, last...