Beating the Winter Slump!
It seems lately that the days between Halloween and Christmas rush by in a blur of crunchy, brightly colored leaves...

Lessons of the Square Watermelon
“Like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.” That is how many students with different learning styles...

The Write Stuff
“Write about whatever you want to.” For many students, this is a wonderful opportunity to craft a story that has...

Parents as Partners — Nine Key Strategies (Part 3 of 3)
For the last two weeks, the Engaging Minds blog has focused on Dr. Peg Dawson’s suggested strategies for improving executive...

Parents as Partners — Nine Key Strategies (Part 2 of 3)
In last week’s blog, we delved into the first three of Dr. Peg Dawson’s excellent list of strategies for improving...

Parents as Partners — Nine Key Strategies (Part 1 of 3)
At Engaging Minds, we focus on strengthening students’ executive function and study skills, setting us apart from the more traditional,...

Book ’em!
When the tutors at Engaging Minds and our students go over the nightly homework they have written in their homework...

Stay on Track by Keeping Track
In last week’s blog, we touched on the idea that for all students – and particularly those with executive functioning...

“This American Life” Meets Engaging Minds
On September 14, the popular NPR show “This American Life” did their annual Back to School episode. Rather than sticking to...

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes – and brain!
In a recent NYTimes blog by respected wellness author Tara Parker-Pop e, the subject of how parents can help stimulate...

Communicating with your child’s teachers
Danel DiVirgilio, the (sadly deceased) legendary Head of Lower School at the Hackley School in New York, used to end...

Three important back to school tips for parents
For the past few years, a national school and office supply chain has run a delightful ad campaign about going...