Executive function “parking” tips
Whether it’s the call of their smartphone, Tik Tok, video games, or even the presence of siblings, it’s hard for...

Study breaks improve … everything! Here’s how!
With kids, it feels like you are always on the go. You take one child to soccer practice, another to...

There are lots of ways to make par
On a golf scorecard, the score does not reflect style and how the golfer achieved their score; the score reflects...

Tips to help your child embrace a growth mindset
By Adina Levitt, Instructor School can be hard. In fact, challenge is part of the learning process. However, the feeling...

Be a goldfish
Setbacks are part of the learning process. Remind your child that one small setback shouldn't derail the whole day, week,...

The intersection of ADHD and executive function
October is ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, often coincides with challenges in executive function. Executive function...

Peer to Peer
A peer partner can be a productive way for students to keep each other motivated and on task. School is...

Creating executive function skills that stick well beyond September
By Burke, Instructor Many students are diligent about starting the school year strong. A clean binder. No missing assignments. An...

Curb the late nights
For many students, homework is the biggest impediment to getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. Whether it’s procrastination, poor...

Executive Function Skills for Back-to-School
By Emma Michiels, EF Coach With the school year just ramping up, it's essential to equip your student with effective...

Choose it and use it
Color coded folders. 1-inch binders for each class. A 3-inch binder with dividers. A separate homework folder. Accordion folders. A...

Set homework expectations early
Set homework expectations early before your child gets into a routine that will be hard to shift. It’s far easier...