Tip of the Week
Get organized with “home” and “school” binders
With the end of the school year coming into view, students need to begin planning for end-of-year exams. To keep materials organized and accessible, have your child create separate “Home” and “School” binders for each of her classes. Have her transfer notes, homework, papers, projects, study guides and old exams from past units into the binder she will store at home, perhaps even with tabs to make it easier to locate each unit later on. These binders will come in handy when exam week arrives, but, when stored at home, won’t add bulk or clutter to her backpack. She should keep her newest, most relevant paperwork in her binder for school. With both binders set-up, she’ll always have materials she needs for class and won’t accidentally throw away or misplace important papers from earlier in the year that she’ll need to prepare for final exam