Tip of the Week

June 14, 2021

When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange…

Transitions are difficult for many students, and this time of year triggers a shift in routine and activities. Many students (and many adults) feel most confident when they know what to expect. As your child begins the transition from school mode into summer mode, spend some time with them previewing what’s coming up. Doing so will reduce some of the uncertainty your child may be feeling while giving them the opportunity to ask questions and get a firmer handle on what’s in store day-to-day and week-to-week. A little extra time to process the upcoming shift can make all the difference.

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Looking for something fun to strengthen executive function skills and keep the summer slide at bay? Join us this summer for an hour or two each week at Engaging Minds Academy. There’s something here for every child’s interests! Plus, scheduling is flexible — we’ll work with you to create a personalized program tailored to your child that fits your summer schedule. Just an hour or two each week will make a world of difference come September. Contact us!