EM Academy

EM Academy is a catalog of fun, engaging, and executive function-focused electives for students of all ages.

  • One-on-one, personalized instruction
  • 8-10 sessions per elective
  • Focus on developing and strengthening executive function skills
  • Designed and taught by subject-matter experts
  • Flexible scheduling

Executive Function Electives

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Plan Your Family’s Next Dream Vacation
Grades 2-5 and 6-8

A tropical island, Disney Parks, a week-long cruise, or exploring a new country: what is your family’s dream vacation?

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Out to eat: Create the restaurant of your dreams
Grades 2-5

Do you ever wish you create the perfect restaurant that has all of your favorite foods? Well, in this elective, you can!

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The Trivia Master!
Grades 2-5

Are you completely obsessed with the musical Hamilton? Do you love everything about baseball? Are you Billie Eilish’s or Justin Bieber’s biggest fan?

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Design the Perfect Vacation Resort
Grades 2-5

What if you could enjoy all your favorite things like foods, activities, and games in one amazing place?

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Animal adventures around the world
Grades 2-5

Have you ever heard of quokkas, guanacos, and pangolins? These are just a few of the unique animals that call planet Earth their home.

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Fantasy Fiction
Grades 2-5

Do you love getting lost in magical realms and thinking about the possibilities of worlds that are different than our own?

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Meet My Family!
Grades 2-5

How well do you think you know your family, its history, and what makes it unique? In this elective, you will become a historian, writer, and artistic designer.

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Graphic Novels: Using a Comic-strip Format to Tell a Story
Grades 2-5 and 6-8

Do you love graphic novels? Do you love to draw and write?

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Dive into Sports Announcing and Reporting
Grades 3-6

In this elective you will use your imagination to create your own sports personality and choose your favorite games and moments to announce and report on!

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Breaking News! Writing with a Purpose
Grades 4-8

Everything you read is written with a purpose whether it’s to inform, persuade, inspire, or question. In this elective, you will become a journalist and learn how to write with a purpose.

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You Can Change the World! Become an Activist!

President John F. Kennedy famously said, "One person can make a difference and everyone should try." In this elective, you will have a chance to become the next great activist!

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Website and Graphic Design 101
Grades 5-8

Have you ever needed a website that doesn’t exist? A website with all of the best chocolate cake recipes? A website that highlights your personal art portfolio?

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Special Report: Writing and Creating Your Own Podcast!
Grades 5-8

Given the microphone, what story would you tell?

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Entrepreneurship: Be the Boss
Grades 6-8

Do you ever wish you could be in charge? Well, in this elective, you get to be your own boss!

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Design and Create Your Own Digital Escape Room
Grades 8-11

Escape Rooms have seen an increase in popularity recently, and it’s time for you to join the craze!

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Design Your Own Project!
All Grades

This elective provides the chance to research, read, write, and present about a topic of great interest to you.

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Classic Summer Favorites

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One-On-One Executive Function Coaching
All Grades

Strengthen executive function skills through summer reading and writing.

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Get a Head Start on the College Application Process
Rising 12th Graders

The fall can be a busy and overwhelming time for high school seniors.

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Executive Function Bootcamp
All Grades

Is your backpack, locker, bedroom and computer a disaster, making it hard to find things?

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