Chat with our team to learn how we help students strengthen planning and time management skills.
Planning & Time Management
Tools for learning. Skills for life.
Planning and time management skills reduce stress and increase efficiency.
The Impact of Planning and Managing Time
Many students with executive function weaknesses struggle to manage their time and plan effectively. In an academic environment, this difficulty quickly translates into missed deadlines, rushed outcomes, and often, almost inevitably, lower performance. The ability to plan and manage time has an enormous impact on a student’s capacity to complete work efficiently, make time for leisure activities, and feel in control of their schedule and workload.
Coaching for Executive Function Time Management
Fortunately, planning and executive function time management skills can be taught and developed over time with appropriate coaching and tools. Engaging Minds specifically assists students with planning and executive function time management by helping them evaluate their workload, track and organize deadlines, set goals, prioritize tasks, break large projects into smaller, more manageable steps, and keep track of time. Further, we help students learn how to adjust their planning when something takes longer than expected, new assignments pop up, or priorities shift (Flexibility & Transitions).
Regaining Control of Planning and Time Management
With practice, a thoughtful approach, and executive function coaching, students can regain control and significantly improve in these areas, making their workload less overwhelming and helping them build life-long skills they will need in college and beyond.