Chat with our team to learn how we help students become more flexible and better manage transitions.
Flexibility & Transitions
Tools for learning. Skills for life.
Trying new approaches, managing the “unexpected,” and switching gears can be difficult if a child struggles with flexibility and transitions.
The Challenges of Flexibility and Transitions
Flexibility and transitions are difficult for many students. A student that struggles with flexibility might fixate on a single detail or problem, unable to move on to other components of the big picture until that one detail is resolved. They may be unwilling to try a new approach or strategy even when it’s clear their approach isn’t working. They might struggle to transition from one subject or task to another, or become angry or upset when plans change.
Executive Function Coaching for Better Flexibility
With guidance and consistency of executive function coaching, students can learn to be more flexible over time. Our instructors model flexibility during sessions by offering multiple, viable approaches and giving students a choice of how best to proceed. Our executive function coaches often cue students prior to a transition, preview next steps, and create agendas and consistency in sessions so the student knows what to expect.