Chat with our team to learn how we help students strengthen organizational skills.
Organization of Materials
Tools for learning. Skills for life.
Strengthening organizational skills can significantly improve academic outcomes.
Organization is an essential part of the learning process. At Engaging Minds, we consider organizing executive function from two angles: physical (materials) and mental (ideas).
Organization Struggles
A student who struggles with physical disorganization may have trouble keeping track of daily assignments, managing loose papers, notebooks and folders, and keeping their backpack, locker and desk orderly. A student who struggles with mental disorganization may have trouble following directions, breaking down tasks, organizing ideas for writing, separating main ideas from supporting details, successfully taking notes from text, and determining how to break down a word problem in math or deciding which math formula to utilize.
Executive Function Coaching for Organization
Disorganization, whether physical or mental, can severely hinder a student’s academic performance. To learn how to effectively organize materials and ideas, students often need direct and explicit instruction. Engaging Minds executive function coaches tailor approaches and systems to meet each student’s individual needs. There are many ways to organize notebooks, binders, and ideas for a paper or an exam; the key is in identifying the approach that works best for your child. We empower students to choose a strategy that they feel will work best for their learning style. By giving them a voice, students gain confidence in learning and engage more richly in the process.