You Can Change the World! Become an Activist!
President John F. Kennedy famously said, “One person can make a difference and everyone should try.” In this elective you will learn about social change agents like Mulala, Muhammad Ali, Greta Thurnberg, and many more who saw a problem, worked towards a solution, and changed the world in the process! After learning what these men, women, and children had in common you will have a chance to become the next great activist! You will identify and research a current social issue that is important to you, make a plan to address it, and begin to put your plan in action! By the end of the elective you will have a developed plan with materials that you will use to get others excited about and involved in your cause.
Executive Function Skills
- Organization of ideas (writing, math, reading comp)
- Planning and time management
- Task initiation
- Self-monitoring and follow-through
- Self-Advocacy