How do I go about finding the right tutor for my child?
First and foremost, you are an expert on your child and with the help of your child’s teacher(s) you have a great...
Ask your child what to expect at your parent-teacher conference
Before you go in for a regularly scheduled parent-teacher conference (or even for a special meeting), ask your child what...
Executive Function and Halloween
Boo! Don’t be scared by all the sugary treats your child is bringing home after Trick-or-Treating – encourage him to...
Explain the “why” of a given task
Explain the “why” of a given task to your child. Often a child with executive function challenges can’t organically comprehend...
A fun fall activity to boost organization skills
With the leaves starting to change, have your child do a classifying and sorting activity. She can gather different shapes,...
Make a sandwich and strengthen executive function skills
Students with Executive Function difficulties often have trouble with sequencing. To help your child strengthen his skills in this area,...
Celebrate success!
Celebrate success! Everyone likes to be recognized for his superior work, and kids are no exception. While you might think...
Checklists are your friends!
Checklists are your friends! Help your child create checklists for what he has to do before he leaves for school...
Parents: be involved as best you can
Want to be more involved in your child’s school life but can’t commit to being in his classroom to help...
Group Dynamics
Now that the school year is underway, your child is most likely settling back into the routine of his classes....
Use teachers’ web pages to your advantage!
Do your child’s teachers have web pages? If so, make checking them a regular part of both your routine and...
A Blank Slate
The start of the school year is a true tabula rasa (blank slate). No matter what has happened in previous school years,...