“Quiz yourself” techniques for studying
Quizzing your child in advance of a formal exam is one of the best ways to help him determine his...

As June approaches, reflect on progress, goals and effort
With warmer weather and the end of school year in sight, many students are relaxing their study habits and easing...

Get your children moving: The educational benefits of regular exercise
Everyone knows the many benefits of exercise, and all children hope to grow up “big and strong.” When your child...

Create a “Knowledge List” on an exam
Create a “Knowledge List” at the beginning of an exam to aid working memory and boost confidence. As soon as...

Self-advocacy before finals: getting what you need to succeed
In school, developing academic self-sufficiency often requires a skill called self-advocacy, or a student’s ability to

Reduce stress by starting early
No student wants to spend hours and hours pouring over textbooks at the eleventh hour before their final exams. But...

A different approach to reading/response assignments
Countless assignments in school ask children to read a passage and then answer related questions. And most students do exactly...

Use a timer to promote task-initiation
Does your child struggle to start assignments, but easily completes them once she gets going? One way to help your...

It’s a marathon, not a sprint
In light of the recent marathon, we are all feeling Boston Strong. Watching the runners and celebrating their achievements has...

Executive function and the Boston Marathon
There are many special qualities required of athletes to complete the Boston Marathon. Among them, a long-term commitment to training,...

Beat spring fever and finish strong
Spring is finally here, and with it comes beautiful weather, school dances, graduations, April vacations, and endless other (incredibly fun)...

Get organized with “home” and “school” binders
With the end of the school year coming into view, students need to begin planning for end-of-year exams. To keep...