Addressing screen-time concerns
Screen Time: The effects of technology use on children and their capacities to learn In today's world, technology is...

“If he could, he would.”
If you find yourself thinking "My child is [x] years old, he should be able to do that by now,"...

Active study strategy: predict what’s on the exam
Active study strategies, like previewing or predicting what will be on a test, is a great way to boost confidence...

An efficient test-taking strategy
To avoid taking too much time on reading sections of tests, help your child develop effective and efficient test-taking strategies....

The overlap of Executive Function and ADHD
Executive functions, and the difficulties some students face with executive function, are not as familiar in the greater sphere of...

Identify the strategy that works best
As adults, we’ve come to recognize that there is more than one way to get something done. What works for...

Begin with the end in mind
Begin with the end in mind. That is — before beginning a task, help your child create a mental (or...

Flexibility: more than just “going with the flow”
Flexibility is one of the more subtle and lesser known facets of executive function. While difficulties with planning and organization...

Textbooks 101: “Preview” before diving in
Before launching into reading a textbook, encourage your child to “preview” the chapter by first glancing over headings, key vocabulary,...

One size does NOT fit all
Imagine if every student used the same problem-solving methods, the same test-taking strategies, the same note-taking schemas, and the same organizational structures—what would happen? In such a uniform...

Use graphic organizers for note-taking, too!
Your child has likely been introduced to graphic organizers (a visual/graphic display of relationships between facts, terms or ideas —...

Reward effort, not just achievement
Every family has a way of rewarding each other’s achievements. Some families celebrate important milestones with dinner out at a...